Thursday, April 4, 2019

Review: Evolving Role of the Modern Developer

Read Article: Evolving Role of the Modern Developer

In this article, I have come to realize that my initialize thoughts on the direction of a development between the role of a developer and a QA engineer (or tester or whatever you call the person who verifies your code works as expected) is actually correct. I was confused and thought that perhaps the role of a tester evolved into just software engineer in test (SET) because of the positions that the tech giants were creating. In addition, because I see the evolution of AI testing.

But, on the spectrum of the SDLC the roles are becoming more integrated and in some respects these roles are merging into one. This doesn't mean the SDLC is going way. How a product or service is built will still need the basic engineering principles and cycles applied. However, who plays which role while creating or updating the product via SDLC will become more versatile and need a greater understanding of the customer's expectations of the product (and not just a function or feature). And, since no single developer can remember everything about a product, developers will need to know how to kindly work well with others.

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