Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Frameworks over Languages?

I recently read this article:

What a mind opener and so true (to a degree, but a high degree)! Why bother with languages that a person has to learn and do all kinds of stuff, when one can leverage a framework and - viola! - create something rapidly? Ruby-on-Rails is a great example. Perhaps it's why it's one of the most useful RAD frameworks. Of course, there are cases when a person will not want to use a framework (or find one that more-so matches the product development's purpose). For example, if you need to customize a lot instead of following conventions, then Rails is not for you. Spring might be a better match, but that involves switching languages. I haven't researched and played with all the different Ruby frameworks, but perhaps there is one that is more flexible and customizable?

Either way, know the frameworks and don't dig too deep into the languages UNLESS you must use the specific language to accomplish your goal.

Good luck,

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Electron - Quick Introduction (destop app in JS)

Hey Dev Fam,

I wanted to know what "Electron" was and went through these tutorials.

Red Stapler's quick tutorials on Electron

Introduction & WebApp -> DesktopApp Quick Conversion

Hello World

Packaging Application

Another Overview on Electron

GitHub's Electron Overview 2016

GitHub's selling point on using Electron is:

If you can build a website, you can build a desktop app. Electron is a framework for creating native Desktop applications with web technologies like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

Happy Coding,
G2 - Quick Introduction

Hey Dev Fam,

I just read this article on cloud performance between AWS and Digital Ocean. The title caught my attention because AWS is quite strong in the cloud computing arena. For any author to mention how a specific vendor is trying to catch up, I'm interested in knowing.

After reading the article, I'm glad to see such thorough steps and results. The author did a great job. I'll have to look into these new tools like Siege. Too bad Digital Ocean didn't decrease their cost with respect to their performance. I see they kept their cost too close to AWS but their performance is not as close as it should be (in making a good case for keeping their cost close).

Anyhow, since I never heard of I wanted to learn more. After watching the demo, I still wasn't sold on using it. I've used Vagrant and still need to learn Docker, but what's truly different about Nanobox besides it's fancy client UI and dashboard stuff?

Well, check this out this Nanobox demo:

I'll need to try this out and let you know what I think...

Happy Coding,

Monday, March 13, 2017

Keeping up with Programming Languages

It's always tough to keep up with all the programming languages and to know which one is the best for the year. I use to think certain languages would die, but many still are surviving like Java. I like this article though and agree. Best bet is to securely know the fundamentals of programming and then learn a few well while staying aware of the basics for other programming languages. Thank goodness for the quick tutorials on YouTube (in addition to Google+StackOverflow)!

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

CSM's Passcode project

Article of the Week:

I think the Christian Science Monitor's Passcode project is doing an excellent job and I look forward to seeing more news on cybersecurity, data privacy breaches, and hacking.