Thursday, January 21, 2016

Using Protocol vs "Protocol-Less" URL (for linking in HTML)

Dev Fam,

Recently I came across some code that upgraded the way I <link> in my web apps (i.e. HTML pages).

New Code (no https/http): 
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//" />

Old Code (or traditional way):
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

Going "Protocol-Less"

Here is a good discussion on why I've decided to use "protocol-less" URLs in my webapps:

Some more discussion on SO:

Also notice (tip on referring to local file):

Going deep into discussion:

But, it's always up to you as the developer to decide. May the force be with you!


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

CSS: Selectors with spaces different from Selectors w/out spaces

CSS Selectors with Spaces between

Recently, I was following a YouTube in learning more about jQuery and came across the author's CSS.

He had the following:

.tab-panels {
  display: block;

I had almost exact code, but wanted to add a space in between ".panel" and ".active" for easier reading.

.tab-panels .panel .active {
  display: block;

Here's the HTML we had (or that he had and I copied):
      <div class="tab-panels">
        <ul class="tabs">
          <li class="active">panel1</li>

However, my active panel didn't display. When I typed exactly the code that the author had, then my active panel displayed. Why?

Well, learning from, adding spaces in between CSS selectors creates new meaning for the class attribute. The CSS rendering is looking for elements with class="active" that have a parent element with class="panel". In detail, this will also look for the next parent element (or grandparent element) with class="tab-panels". By removing the space in between the selectors, we'll now look for the element with class="panel active" (where the dot is replaced with a space in class attribute value).