Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Learning - (Eclipse) - which IDE do I download?

I'm downloading the latest Eclipse IDE on my laptop with Windows 8 and wanted to make sure I'm downloading the right IDE (see There are plenty of plugins for Eclipse, but it's smart to have the most useful IDE before I start adding useful plugins to my IDE.

Because I'm going to develop web applications using Java, I'm downloading the Java EE package solution. I've used this plenty of times at work. So why did I check now? Well, I never know what updates are made to OpenSource tools and it's good practice to know your tool(s). ;-)

Here's what my Java EE Package Description includes (

  • Data Tools Platform
  • Eclipse Git Team Provider (and I will be using this to store my code to GitHub)
  • Eclipse Java Development Tools
  • Eclipse Java EE Development Tools
  • JavaScript Development Tools
  • Maven Integration for Eclipse
  • Mylyn Task List
  • Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment
  • Remote System Explorer
  • Eclipse XML Editors and Tools

On a side note, I'm also reading up on Appcelerator (see that my Tech mentor recommended. This is awesome!