Friday, April 5, 2019

Customizing My Own Path To Success

Most recently, I blogged about the top universities in the world for graduating in computer science.

I also posted my thoughts about education and its impact on the economies in the world where learning fundamentals of technology is essential today.

As I continue to ponder over these ideas and practices created by others on a similar to journey to upgrade how our society educates and prepares the next generation for the future of opportunities, I'm starting to significantly consider other approaches (or pathways) to learn and drive my career. In addition, I'm planning to sketch out the course (or courses) that my kids should pursue as they find their place in this fast-evolving world.

For example, if I see that my kid's gifts and passion line up with becoming an innovator, then would it be best to pursue this course?
  1. Quickly learn the basics of math, reading, writing, science, arts, and typing (keyboarding).
  2. Leverage online learning like Khan Academy.
  3. Skips grades when possible to learn the next fundamentals in pursuit of obtaining the HS graduate degree.
  4. Meanwhile, provide tech exposure to tech conferences, open source project contributions, hackathons, etc.
  5. Next, enroll in a bootcamp like Bloc to specialize skillsets in programming while creating meaningful projects in free time.
  6. Then, enroll in an entrepreneurship program like Drake University which sounds like it includes sponsorship by investors.
  7. All throughout, keeping up via collaboration with trusted friends and trusted online resources (or even an online tool like Declara).
There are many other examples I could give, but the point is thinking critically and strategically about driving our lives to positively make the world a better place - and feel great about it.

Reality Check: This is a privilege thinking. However, many can achieve this place of "privilege thinking" but it may come with a HUGE sacrifice like how many immigrants come to America for opportunity uncertain of what will actually happen once they get here. Again, apply critical thinking, strategize, and be ready to adapt. Good luck!



Listen to the stories of such young, bright, hungry minds.

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