Thursday, January 24, 2019

Review: Tech moving faster than skill development

IBM highlights Skills Gap (World Economic Forum 2019)

IBM CEO Ginni Rometty makes a splendid point here in this article.
For most, "technologies are moving faster in time than their skills" and I agree. This adds to my belief that we must upgrade our public schooling system. Waiting until our kids become young adults and relying on companies to train up our kids for the workforce will hurt us all in the near future.

I like this highlight by the article:
IBM CEO Ginni Rometty said at the World Economic Forum's 2019 annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, that the most pressing issue of the "Fourth Industrial Revolution" is the "skills crisis" that would leave workers behind.

Microsoft agrees (to a degree)

In addition, here's an article by Microsoft CTO Kevin Scott with a quote that supports the outlook by IBM CEO. Scott goes further than employment into gently suggesting our duty as citizens.

“It’s challenging, because even if you’re a person with significant technical training, even if you’re an AI practitioner, it’s sort of challenging to keep up with everything that’s going on. The landscape is evolving really rapidly,” he said.

And, just in case that's not enough to convince you of the dire state edging our economy, here's another article showing just a snapshot on the timeline of the increasing skills gap.

Public Thoughts

Here's what the public thinks, before I conclude my point. And, I wish the public survey by Udemy Research had smaller categories especially for those Over 40 to give insight what the older generations think. Because, I believe those who witnessed more technology impact over more years should have more insight and well thought out solutions.

And here's a quick look at Udemy's 2018 Report.

My Conclusion

Companies must become responsible owners of reducing the skills gap. Our government and public institutions have a greater responsibility in driving the skills gap reduction and even eliminate it.


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