Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Journey into SET: Part 2 (Resume stuff)

Here's my quick, informal resume points summarizing what I have been doing as a new Test Engineer Lead.

  1. Manage all SQA activities related to ensure product(s) quality including test plans, test designs, test implementation, test execution, and test maintenance. #sqa #sdlc
  2. Verify the system according to the system requirements and bring attention to management and development team(s) of any gaps between the system and its requirements documentation. #documentation #productvalidation
  3. Lead a team of two Test Engineers. #researchandtraining #peoplemanagement
  4. Provide information useful to management and development team(s) in assisting decision-making milestones for our clients. #statusreports #teamdiscussions
  5. Contribute to making our development team(s) and process(es) better by improving our test feedback loop with positive suggestions. #teamcommunication #jira
  6. Maximize the latest technologies in testing rapid application development (RAD) to ensure high-quality product delivery to customers. #testautomation #softwareengineerintest

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