Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Journey into SET: Part 1

So, I'm getting back into the game of software testing and especially with the new test automation tools and techniques. I'm going to log my journey of catching back up in this field after being in software development (away from testing to purely coding without testing - and I know this is bad). So, let's just add that I'm restoring the best practices of a software engineer.

Nowadays, it seems the new title for software testers is either Software Development/Design Engineer in Test (SDET) or Software Engineer in Test (SET) or similar. The emphasis is on the evolving skills of a tester having the capabilities to develop (or code) meanwhile advancing their techniques of applying best practices in test automation. This makes sense when we consider how the multitude of frameworks for development web application and software tools has also evolved.

Here are some articles to read.

Evolution of the Software Testing role:

One can also gain an understanding of what a test engineer (or SDET or SET) does today by looking up the job qualifications on major tech company career websites including Google (specifically "Test Engineer"), Amazon (spec. "Software Development Engineer in Test"), Microsoft (spec. "Software Design Engineer in Test").

A Quick Recap from Microsoft's Personal Experience
Here's a nice recap from Microsoft on the transition of eliminating the Software Test Engineer (STEs) and creating a "combined engineering" team.

Software Test Design
Similarly to developing any software, developing scripts to test software also should go through the design phase in order to create test structure. This helps with organizing tests to correspond to the software design, finding bugs early in the design process of software development, creating a testing framework for easier ramp-up of new Test Engineers and for easier review of the software development team, and more.

Software Test Design - Problems
First problem I'm interested in is what to name the appendages of the class files especially for the automated test scripts via the browser.
Unit Tests use the appendage "Test" like "HelloWorldTest".
Integration Tests use the appendage "IT" like "HelloWorldIT".

I've seen throughout the Selenium docs the term "AUT" (or application under test) and wonder if I should use this as the appendage for my test scripts via browser like "HelloWorldAUT". But is this sufficient?

Software Test Design - Research

What is SOLID (Principles)?

  • Single responsibility
  • Open-Closed priniciple: open for extension and closed for modification
  • Liskov substitution
  • Interface segregation
  • Dependency injection

https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/dn683797.aspx (dated: May 2014)
*There are a number of terms explained in this article that I really like. For instance, the author says "when I say principle, I'm referring to a feature of the computer code that helps maintain the value of that code."

Software Testing Conferences
Here are some conferences to be aware of with respect to software test automation and the future of testing software.

Software Test Tools
There are a lot of tools from the many articles online that I've read. Not to overwhelm one with reading through all the articles and also knowing that the software tool depends on the software developed, here's a short list of tools that I'm learning and applying.

Leading the list is Selenium as the best, open source tool for testing web applications.

I should really keep track of my progress here. This is getting way too long. So I need to split this step into smaller steps and start publishing.

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