Thursday, April 3, 2014

Learning - Deleting Repository in GitHub

Hello, I hope you are doing well today.

We will learn how to remove a repository in GitHub.

WARNING: If you remove (delete) this repository from GitHub, no one will be able to fork from it, add updates to it, etc.

First, I'm already signed into GitHub and I already have a repository that I wish to remove called "Java".

Okay, let's click on "Java" repository link. As you can see, there's nothing in this repository except for a README file. Next, let's click on "Settings" in the right side of the screen (that is, what I highlighted in blue although maybe hard to see).

After we click on "Settings" link, we want to scroll down to the "Danger Zone" section. In this section, we will click on the button labeled "Delete this repository".

A message will display alerting us that we need to be sure about deleting this repository because once we remove this repository there is no way to get this back. I understand the consequences, so I am going to proceed with entering the name of the repository to remove called "Java" and click "I understand the consequences, delete this repository" button.

Once I clicked this Delete button, GitHub confirms that I have successfully deleted my repository called "Java" and I can also see that my list of repositories does NOT include "Java" anymore. Excellent!!!

And that's it for today! Talk to you soon!

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