Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Review: Google's Glass, FB's Oculus Quest, and MS prediction

A few years ago, Microsoft's CEO Satya Nadella made a profound prediction on the next three technologies that will revolutionize our worlds. The first one was on virtual reality (VR) including mixed reality and augmented reality (AR). In this review, I'll quickly give an update on how I believe Mr. Nadella's prediction is spot-on.


If you have watched the Microsoft Build 2019, then you will have seen the mixed reality highlight where multiple people collaborating on a project were sharing the same "Spatial" (as Microsoft called it). In this Spatial, a mixed reality allows people on various devices to experience a discussion around a project while not having to be physically present in the same room.


If you're keeping up with Facebook, then I hope you have seen this video clip below where FB is making big advances in the gaming and entertainment world with connecting friends even more than just on social media. They are providing a fun experience in addition to the social aspect. How cool is that?


If you're wondering where Google is, then you should check out this article. What was once thought (and advertised) as a project discontinued - is actually a surprise to consumers as this Glass product is re-announced in its next version.

Read Article



So, whether we like it or not, virtual reality seems to be the first next technology that is making advances to reshape our society. Stay tuned and I hope you get to experiment with these technologies before it becomes mainstream. Ready Player One is closer than we think.

Get Ready, Player!

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