Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Review: Reprogrammable Molecular Systems

This is why computer science is invaluable and revolutionizing all industries. Coding is the new fundamental (which requires reading, math, science and art).

"Both Woods and Doty were theoretical computer scientists when beginning this research, so they had to learn a new set of 'wet lab' skills that are typically more in the wheelhouse of bioengineers and biophysicists. 'When engineering requires crossing disciplines, there is a significant barrier to entry,' says Winfree. 'Computer engineering overcame this barrier by designing machines that are reprogrammable at a high level—so today's programmers don't need to know transistor physics. Our goal in this work was to show that molecular systems similarly can be programmed at a high level, so that in the future, tomorrow's molecular programmers can unleash their creativity without having to master multiple disciplines.'"


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