Monday, December 31, 2018

Review: Jamboard (by Google)

I don't know why I'm just now hearing and learning about Google's Jamboard, but I am glad to hear about it now than later.

One of the benefits of this product is its mobility. You can do a lot with this tool like with a smartboard, but you can move it around. Here's an example of why being "mobile" is superb. What if I'm innovating well at work but for some reason I get laid off? Well, I can take my Jamboard and ideas with me. That's it. Well, and continue my career. :D

One of the biggest disadvantages in growing ones career is having to start over. In today's world where there are many smart people making many smart moves, a person needs to have smart tools that move with them as well. So, this is my pitch for this tool by Google: Jamboard.

Check it out. (intro to Jamboard) (intro to Jamboard in 'Google for Eduction')

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