Tuesday, November 23, 2021

White-collar programmers & Blue-collar programmers are both necessary

Found this article by Mike Loukides to have great points on the future of programming, but even more on the future of the workforce. After all, people need work in order to live. Particularly, I like his terms and definitions of "white-collar programmers" and "blue-collar programmers".


Thursday, October 21, 2021

Microsoft's VS Code now in the "Cloud"

I'm really excited about the progress Microsoft has made especially with adding VS Code into the "cloud" for development. There are lots of reasons why I am happy about VS Code, but the top reason is the need for local space for my personal media and content (which means less space for installing tools and IDEs). Plus, the ability to work anywhere (with a browser), anytime, makes "work remotely" even a bigger benefit. Of course, this comes with the strong assumption that one can access the Internet and the network has high bandwidth and speed.

https://vscode.dev (start playing now)

Read more about this @ code.visualstudio.com/blog

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Quick Refresher: Functional Programming vs Imperative (Procedural) Programming

Hey! It's been a while, and I'm just posting this real quick and then back to learning. (I have a steep learning curve ahead of me in order to catch up from being stuck in the new dark ages of coding. Blah.)

Functional programming vs Imperative programming

I have not heard of this term "imperative programming" until I started learning more about the the Reactive Programming. So, I looked it up and found this nice article by Microsoft providing a brief explanation:


Also, Microsoft's Ignite (online conference) is coming up soon!



Thursday, September 23, 2021

Using Regular Expressions in Java

Using regular expressions in Java can be tricky because the input of the regular expression is a String value. This String value must comply to all the Java syntax tricks before the actual regular expression is applied to the String variable being compared.

For example, I want to ensure that the value passed into my Java method is only a whole number. If it's not, then I can't use this value and must use "0" in my method execution. So, here's the regular expression that I have:


. - matches any character except line breaks

* - match 0 or more of the preceding token

[ ] - set

^ - negated

\d - matches any digit character (0-9)

/g - apply expression throughout the entire value being compared

However, in Java I must escape the backslash (and remove the global which is assumed in Java) for this regular expression to work. I end up with:


An alternate solution could have been the following regular expression without having to worry about escaping any chars in Java's string:


In the end, I was able to use the following and get the expected results:

boolean hasNonDigit = string.matches(".*[^\\d].*");

if (hasNonDigit) setToZero();

Useful Reference and Online Tools

Monday, July 26, 2021

Game Developer Kit by Microsoft

It's been a while since I've posted but had to record this:

This could possibly be a game changer in the Gaming industry. Let's see!

Hopefully I will get some time to at least test a demo of this kit.