Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Review: NoOps

I agree, for the most part, with this author on NoOps.

I think the term itself is completely misleading, but simplified for non-techies. An operation actually exist, but it's just doesn't have any manual interventions because the entire operation is automated. A better term although not as appealing is "AutoOps". Anyhow, to close up my thoughts, all industries will continue to increase its automation and figure out a way to make things better, faster, and more cost-efficient. On the technical side, it'll be great to focus more on innovating rather than maintain.

Here's a NoOps reference from the article:


Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Review: Azure Dedicated Host

Microsoft now has dedicated hosting with Azure. I'm looking forward to trying this out soon!

Meanwhile Azure is stepping up with their hosting services, they are also stepping up in the security realm.

Tech Giants getting Smarter with Public Testing

Google has already been using the public to test their products and services - which is such a smart approach before and after releasing software to, world! Of course, if you're storing private data like Facebook or GMail, then you probably want to actually invite experts like Microsoft is doing to test your software and be sure to label your software in "Beta" version.

Review: GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions?!

So, yeah, I feel old. After reading this article and not being in the loop on GitHub Actions, I can't believe I'm not on top of this area of DevOps.

Matrix Builds

I mean - Matrix Builds, wow! This is phenomenal to test multiple builds of your software especially considering that not all customers will upgrade at the same time. In addition, some of these customers who actually want the latest offerings (or solutions) are in-house customers and/or early adopters.

Live Logs

Although "live logs" is nothing new, it seems that GitHub is saying they already have the display of live logs available to those who use GitHub Actions. That's actually pretty cool. I can push my code and instantly see a build run while showing any errors.

And More...

Basically, it's kind of like an IDE in the cloud but seems to also connect and deploy to a live server. I haven't looked into the pricing yet. Maybe one day I'll catch up and start using something like this instead of doing everything on my local?

Thanks GitHub!