Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The Future of Programmers

Dev fam,

Here's an interesting article that I read today. I still have a lot to catch up on, but wanted to share this.


I hope to find more articles to add to this post along with my thoughts.

Good luck,

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Shorthand Coding

Hi Fam,

So, I'm reviewing some code of one of my peers and I came across a pretty interesting shorthand notation which works and is great.

roomCode = new RoomCode(isThisRoomCodeAvailable() ? getRoomCode() : "");

Now, what I love about this is that it leverages a functional programming concept although within an OO programming framework. The methods are clear as well as the objects created. I hope to continue coding like this moving forward!

Night fam,

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Adding icon to a Windows application


It's amazing how many customers want the fancy icon to display on the application. So, here's a quick way to learn how to do this. :) Thank you, YouTube people!

Adding icon in Visual Studio for Windows application.
